In winter, tourists put on more clothes and become sluggish, and this is the hand pickpockets – easier to get into the thick sheepskin coat so that the owner does not feel anything, and then cover up the stolen coat slung over his arm. Do not let criminals ruin your vacation. Barcelona and Madrid are among the top ten cities where thriving theft on the streets. The Spanish edition of publication The Local has prepared some tips on how to protect their property from thieves and scammers:
1. The public transport keep things close to him
As is known, pickpockets scan subway car in search of easy prey. Here, time plays an important role. Pickpocket grabs your stuff, and runs with them when the car doors are closed. If you put the bag on the floor or on a neighboring seat, be sure to firmly hold it, especially if you sit near the door.
2. Beware of thieves in places tourists cluster
You can rob, and in the suburbs of Madrid, but pickpockets often choose a place teeming with tourists, such as Gran Via, Paseo del Prado, the Royal Palace in Madrid. According to statistics, more often rob tourists on the main subway lines than in other areas.
3. Be careful with the police
Criminals like to pretend the police. They come up to you on the street and asked to show documents and wallet, as if they are looking for counterfeiters. Later you will see that they have changed your money for fakes. Remember, the police will not come to you and ask to show the purse. Even if the police do not like your behavior, it will ask you to produce documents and show his ID.
4. Be alert to false tourists
If the confused unfortunate with a camera and a video camera asks you the way, you are, of course, help him. As long as you tell him the direction, beware, the “tourist” can be an accomplice who, taking advantage of a moment obvoruyut you.
5. Do not be a “ham in the sandwich”
This can happen in any public place. You find yourself trapped between two people on the bus or on the escalator, and a man standing behind you to clean out your pockets and backpack. In such places, wear a backpack in front of you and remove valuables from pockets.
6. Be careful when paying bills
Everyone knows that your phone or wallet on the table in the restaurant – it is an easy target for thieves, but you can steal even while paying bills. The waiter will take your money, exchanged for false and will return them to you, accused of fraud. You will have to pay twice. If this happens, contact your institution’s administration. Also, try not to let your credit card out of sight.
7. Do not overpay taxi drivers
If you do not know the exact amount of the cost of the trip, the taxi driver you can easily cheat, taking with you 25 euros for a trip cost five times cheaper. Use only approved services or transportation in advance to find out about the cost of the trip. At the site to find out whether there is a fixed rate – for example, a trip from Madrid’s city center to the airport costs 30 euros.
8. Do not sign a phony petition
Pickpockets often ask people to sign the petition. You sign it or not, the scammers will call on you to donate to charity. At the same time, common in fraudster has an accomplice – one of them is open to extort money from you, and another steals your belongings.
9. Do not fall for the trick with the lost thing
Fraudsters the best of intentions will come after you, trying to give you back the valuable thing that you supposedly lost. While you will be attributed to one of them, his accomplice have cleaned. If a stranger will offer you money or jewelry, get out as soon as possible. There is also another scheme ─ contrary, a man suddenly drops the money or the bag, you are helping him and his accomplice examine your pockets.
10. Avoid sudden the road games
Walking down the street, you can see a few people playing cards next to the road. No matter how tempting or seemed a game, do not take part in it. This is another fraud, as well as the game of football in the street. By joining the game, you are likely to run out of personal belongings.