Travel to Andorra! Andorra is picturesque Pyrenean descents, snow tops against the azure crystal sky, the frosty scintillating wood and all delights of active recreation on mountain skiing. A great number of vacationers visit this amazing country only in search of new and fresh impressions.
The first that strikes in Andorra — her sizes. The country consists of seven districts (Andorra la Vella, Kanilyo, Enkamp, La Massana, Eskaldes-Engordani, Ordino, San Julia de Loriai) and occupies the space only 468 There is Andorra between France and Spain, but it has no own outlet to the sea.
Andorra is good at all seasons of the year. All her settlements are located at the height from 1000 to 2100 m above sea level where clean transparent air and the invigorating cool of mountains perfectly are in harmony with arid solar climate. In mountains there are a lot of sources with healing mineral water. In the winter this country becomes alpine skiing Mecca: 227 km of various routes. Between hotels and ski centers ten two buses – Ski-bus which are specially intended for transportation of skiers with equipment regularly ply.
The indigenous people of Andorra totals a little more than 24 thousand people. To cross the country on the main highway (extent of 35 km.) it is possible in only a few minutes. Therefore movement about the country for tourists — true pleasure. Absolutely to any point of the country, and it is even possible to reach any ski resort in 20 — 30 minutes by means of the car or by bus.
Andorra pleases the numerous visitors with extraordinary service and comfort (at the same time for quite acceptable cost). Each of hotels of the country differs only in her in inherent identity. One unites all hotels of Andorra — true hospitality, goodwill and hospitality.
Shopping in Andorra is interesting and favorable thanks to existence of uncountable shops of the best brands with very attractive prices. All above-mentioned institutions are in a nature environment: the most beautiful mountains and mountain lakes – pure and untouched a civilization.
This small country differs in cultural wealth: for more than thousand-year history the state has passed one of the best ways of development of the Roman art in Europe. There are own traditions in music, painting and other directions of art. The cultural and historical heritage becomes even richer if to regard Andorra in the union with neighboring countries.
The cozy cities of Andorra admire with the harmonious unification of ancient peaked buildings with the spikes and weather vanes and ultramodern buildings collected from metal and glass. Getting to old quarters of the cities, apparently, you is included in the present fairy tale. The cozy artful design of narrow small streets, fancy court yard, inexplicable deadlocks and stone transitions, all this creates inexplicable high spirits.
What to look at
Andorra la Vella
Heart and the capital of tiny Andorra — Andorra la Vella which is located in an environment of majestic mountains. In the territory of the city there are several historical architectural monuments at once.
Andorra la Vella conducts the history with those old times when in the mountain valley the most ordinary small village has been put. Nowadays this place is taken by the name Barry’s Antique that means — Old quarter. Barry Antik is the main sight of the area the residence of the government of Andorra — Kasa-de-la-Wal that means — the House of Valleys. This unique structure has been built to three floors in 1580 and belonged to a noble family. Then throughout times the building passed from hand to hand, was repeatedly completed and reconstructed.
Near Kasa-de-la-Wal are located the following sights: the house Seth Panis, Sala-del-Konsell (the building of Parliament of Andorra, at the same time on the top floors the Museum of a filatelistika) and Sala-de-la-Dzhustisia — the courthouse of Andorra (the only thing in the country is placed).
Except the unique House of Valleys, with his extraordinary and picturesque history, Andorra la Vella can brag of the following cult constructions:
the ancient church of Saint Armenol built in the 11th century;
the oldest church in Andorra — Santa-Colom constructed in the IX-X centuries;
picturesque church of Santuario-de-Meritsel.
The most important place of the capital — Plasa-la-Poble. On this square the most significant events of Andorra are held. On the square the Musical Academy of Andorra and the Main Theatre of the state of Andorra are also located. And near Plasa-la-Poble there is the known large shopping center Pirenes.
In the settlement of La-Marguineda which represents the small town located in close proximity to the capital of Andorra the biggest bridge built in the Middle Ages has remained in a perfect primitive condition. A great number of tourists visit this place to admire a majestic structure, and also beautiful views.
In Les-Eskaldes which is the suburb Andorra la Vella the unique improving complex of Kaldea known is located it is far outside the country. The Kaldea is the largest thermal complex of the western part of Europe. The complex is located in the territory of 600 sq.m. and completely covered with a glass dome.
The city is located in only 5 km. from the capital of Andorra. Except picturesque architecture the town attracts tourists with the following sights:
National Museum of Automotive industry
Church San Roma-de – the wood-Bons
Enkamp is also famous for the large-scale sports complex — Multiaport
Sentr who offers everyone the widest range of services.
From Enkamp originate a large number of all available routes to the ski resorts located nearby. In Enkamp it is unceasing the ropeway Funikamp which covers distance more than 6 km long functions.
In this small town two histories and two cultures were harmoniously weaved. In Ordino two institutions which have Slavic roots are located at once. It is the Museum of an orthodox iconography and the Museum of microminiatures.