In the past year, fell overboard 27 people.
Danger of falling overboard is real not only for the huge cruise ship passengers – tourists often use large and small ferries to travel between countries and between the islands, and many of them are really afraid of water transport. According to statistics, last year alone overboard passenger ships were 27 people, a total of 2000 years, fallen into the sea ten times more – 270 people. The statistics were not only passengers, but also crew members.
Common causes of falling overboard – an attempt of suicide and alcohol intoxication, but known and murder cases. In 2015, 22-year-old American Frank Jade disappeared from cruise liner Royal Caribbean. Fortunately, a few hours later the crew of Disney Cruise Line ship spotted him in the water and saved. More recently, in the Atlantic waters could save British pensioner, who tried to swim from shore to reach their cruise ship.
So what are the chances of survival in man overboard the ship? They do not have much, but we can not lose hope, experts say. A lot depends on the weather conditions, water temperature and the distance from the ship.
“The first few seconds are very important”, – says oceanographer at Southampton University, Dr. Simon Boxall. Fallen from a greater height man threatens limb fracture, loss of consciousness, and as a result – the rapid drowning. If you fall into cold water for the victims there a response to cold shock – a sharp decline in body temperature will entail an involuntary cry, swallowing salt water and drowning. According to the professor of the University of Portsmouth, the survival expert and co-author of the book “Fundamentals of survival at sea,” Mike Tipton, 60% of deaths in cold water occur in the first few seconds after the immersion in the sea. Therefore, even if the fall will be seen that while the crew will take measures, may be too late. Another 20% die from hypothermia, after being in the water for more than 30 minutes. And the remaining 20% may die during the rescue – a surprising phenomenon, but experts have explained his sudden relaxation of the body and lack of knowledge of the rules of first aid.
The water temperature is undoubtedly a key factor, and the chances of survival increase if dropped overboard in the tropical waters of the Caribbean than in the cool North Sea. Typically, when the water temperature is 40° F. hypothermia occurs within 60 minutes at 50° F. – after 2 hours at 60° F – after 6 hours. “If the water temperature exceeds 77° F, there is no longer a danger conceals a cold and shark,” – says Professor Tipton. However, cases of shark attacks on the person are very rare.
The fallen overboard person should keep in mind that the response to cold shock is quite normal and will pass in a few minutes. No need to make any sudden movements, so as not to spend energy and heat. The cold immobilizes the victim (ie, you do not help either a lifejacket or personal delivery). Tipton advised when navigating to move, mainly legs, because the outstretched arms help cool the body more. The water temperature below 77° F. is not necessary to move rapidly, so as not to waste a lot of heat. Intensive sailing in calm sea will attract the attention of rescuers, and in troubled waters only dramatically reduce the likelihood of saving the victim.
“Find a person has fallen overboard to rescue the same as looking for a needle in a haystack”, – says Dr Boxall. For those who managed to survive the first few minutes of terror, the main thing – do not lose the power of the spirit. “Keep a positive attitude and do not give up – advises Professor Tipton -. The water temperature of 60° Fahrenheit, you have a chance to hold 6:00 Just do not relax, even during the rescue.”