How to make high-quality photos while on vacation? Going on a trip, you want to capture in the memory as much as possible of its parts. Nowadays, tourists often do not take your camera with you, relying only on the camera in a smartphone. However, those who want to get really high-quality images of the upcoming trip is worth taking a trip the camera and listen to the advice of the photographer Avery Meyers, who has published edition of Fox News.
1. Leave home Camera Bag
Avery uses to store its equipment when traveling simple handbag. Special bag for a camera like pickpockets signals: “Steal me!”. When traveling by air Avery just incase the camera in a bag and carried in hand luggage. For storing fragile lenses she recommends neoprene bags.
2. Carry a battery charger
And do not leave home without a spare charged battery. Imagine a time when you press the button to take a picture of a sleeping lion while on safari, and you will not work! Just because a burning red light that signals a low battery.
3. Do not forget about the additional memory cards
Avery recommends they be kept in pockets on the clasp. It loads the images to a computer as soon as the opportunity arises, and then formats the card. The fact is that over time the card is destroyed, and photos may disappear. In addition, the camera can stop to read the map, then come in handy replacement.
4. Improvise if there are no essential accessories
Avery believes that the presence of the hood (used to prevent the lens sunlight) is not required. If the sun fell on a picture, then just hand to shade the upper part of the lens. Although advanced photographers blends required when shooting landscapes, sunsets, moreover, they do not take up much space and will save the lens from damage. And be sure to be in possession of elastic bands, zipper bag and paper towels – they will save the equipment in contact with moisture. Also, purchase a microfiber cloth to clean the lens (in a pinch, you can wipe them with the edge of a cotton T-shirts), and UV-filters provide a smooth surface of the lens with additional protection.
5. Do not rush
You do not have to do a lot of pictures to choose a decent image at home. Avery offers something quite the opposite – it ponders the process of shooting, then adjusts the camera so that the picture was nothing superfluous, and waits for the right moment. This approach is particularly useful when shooting moving objects – animals and children.
6. Wake up early to on your photo was not anything extra
Avery is by nature not an early bird, but she forces herself to wake up with the first rays of the sun to make beautiful pictures while traveling. For example, during a trip to Ireland she wanted to capture the Giant’s Causeway – thousands of basalt columns formed by volcanic eruption. This place is very popular among tourists, so she came here before dawn to make high-quality images with no buses and crowds.
7. Try to get closer, if there was an obstacle in your way
As for tourists, all the photographers need to treat them with patience. Your shooting guard can often prevent or glass. If you come closer and hover the focus on an object, the obstacle will be imperceptible. Therefore, be patient, wait for the moment when the crowd dissipated, and closer to the subject.