The beautiful city of Parma is always waiting for tourists and visitors to show them your best attractions, stunning scenery charm and narrow streets.
Abbey of St. John the Theologian – Holy memo Parma
Abbey of St. John the Divine – the largest architectural complex since the X century is the main shrine of the city and attracts thousands of believers from all over the world. The structure of the ancient abbey includes a pharmacy, a church and a monastery, but the main wealth of attractions can be called Church of St. John the Theologian. It boasts spectacular frescoes with the ascension of the image of Saint John against the sky. They are made so full of volume and that the impression of personal presence.
Abbey also enchants tourists with its manicured courtyards and old pharmacy, functioning since 1201! Since the XIII century they led hereditary pharmacists who committed these attractions are a legacy to their children. Now chemists in the management of the municipal authorities, who have made a museum, thus opening it to the world.
Teatro Regio di Parma
Theatre Royal – is one of the most famous and largest theaters in Italy. To this day, he came almost in its original form, so it is very valuable and important masterpiece of Italy. Recently, the theater has been recognized as one of the best representatives of the European architecture of XIX century. It often hosts concerts, performances, and also the most important cultural event in Parma. For tourists there are permanent discounts and promotions, so every year here comes more and more tourists from all over the world.
Verdi Festival – a grand vista of Parma
Verdi Festival – an international music competition, which each year opens new world of geniuses and talents. For a whole month here competing hundreds of outstanding musicians who want to show their virtuosity on the piano. The winner is offered a large reward and honor colleagues. In early October, it attracts tens of thousands of classical music lovers to listen to the current sound of immortal operas by Verdi. So you visit this wonderful festival in his tour of the sights of Parma.
Basilica of Our Lady of the fence – a masterpiece of architectural thought
Perhaps this is one of the most important and famous monuments of Parma. Once in place the present memos people saw the image of Our Lady, which proved to be miraculous. To save this unique mural, people decided to erect a fence and build a church here. This was done in 1539. Since then, the Basilica of Our Lady of the fence is a place of pilgrimage for believers from around the world.
Other attractions in Parma
Parmesan Museum
Did you know that Parma himself Emilia-Romagna region is home to the world-famous “Parmesan” cheese? Near the town is a wonderful museum of cheese making, which has centuries-old traditions and secrets of the preparation of cheese. Everyone is welcome to take a guided tour and visit at all stages of the preparation of cheese and wine to go buy at factory prices. Also in the museum is a historical area where the photos you can see the evolution of technology in Parma and the Emilia-Romagna region as a whole.
Ducal Palace
At the end of the XVI century for the Duke of Parma it was built a magnificent residence of one of the best architects of the time – Barotse Jacopo da Vignola. Attraction has dozens of rooms, halls, private chambers and ceremonial, to which access is open to tourists. Each visitor can go to the former possessions of the Duke Ottavio Farnese, and learn all about the life of the Italian high-ranking officials of the Middle Ages.