Australia Resort – Great Barrier Reef

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Australia Resort - Great Barrier

Information on Barrier Reef

Barrier Reef, consisting of more than 600 picturesque islands and plenty of coral reefs, covers an area of more than 300 thousand. km2. Great Barrier Reef consists of more than 3000 reefs, ranging in size from 1 hectare (1 hectare = 10 thousand. m2) to 10 thousand. hectares.

Corals Great Barrier Reef

Corals Great Barrier Reef
It corals formed as the unique nature of the Great Barrier Reef. A huge variety of living organisms Barrier Reef was only possible because of these creatures. In fact, the coral is made up of a plurality of individual coral polyps – tiny living things that come together to form the so-called colonies. Each polyp lives inside a shell composed of a mineral called aragonite (a form of calcium carbonate). Polyps are attached to each other, forming a “thicket” interesting multicolored corals and incredible form at the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef.

Ideal environment existence of coral – shallow water with warm salt water, where there are small currents and an abundance of sunlight. There are many species of corals, some of which grow very slowly and live for hundreds of years at the bottom of the Barrier Reef, while the other corals grow and die much faster. The color coral is determined by algae, the only living coral has a bright color, the dead corals are always white, they are clearly visible on the bottom of the Barrier Reef.

The threat of a population of corals of the Great Barrier Reef

Starfish – one of the dangers threatening the corals. Outbreaks of the population of starfish occur cyclically every 15 years, which in turn affects the populations of corals of the Great Barrier Reef.

Great Barrier Reef
Another problem of coral reefs so-called bleaching, in which corals very quickly and in large numbers die. This phenomenon applies not only to the Great Barrier Reef, coral bleaching as seen in many other reefs in the world. It argued that coral bleaching is due to global warming, which affects the temperature of the water, although direct evidence has yet been found.

Ecosystem Barrier Reef

World Heritage status, which has the Great Barrier Reef, means protecting habitat Barrier Reef, where they live endangered flora and fauna. And the list of World Heritage assigns varying degrees of protection to different habitats of the living world. One of the main objectives of the organizations protecting the ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef, is to preserve the diversity of coral species living at the bottom of the Barrier Reef.

In the waters of the Great Barrier Reef lives huge amount of living organisms, including:

Green Turtle Great Barrier Reef
rare green turtles and dolphins Barrier Reef;
More than 1,500 species of fish;
4000 clams;
More than 200 species of birds.

Great Barrier Reef Tourism

Each year more than 2 million tourists visit the Great Barrier Reef, leaving Australia in the budget of more than 2 billion Australian dollars. That income from tourism Barrier Reef is the main source of income of the north-eastern part of Australia. Barrier Reef Tourism in this country pays a lot of attention. As we have already pointed out, measures are taken to natural habitat conservation Barrier Reef, so most of the Barrier Reef there are certain restrictions on the activities of tourists, which adversely affect the coral Barrier Reef. For example, fishing at Barrier Reef is limited, but in some species altogether banned.

However, tourism brings with it negative consequences for the Barrier Reef. Young and fragile coral Barrier Reef can often be broken hikers or anchor a water vessel. In addition, the Court contaminate water Barrier Reef fuel and other wastes. On Barrier Reef corals are adversely affected even used by many tourists tanning lotions that while bathing partially soluble in water Barrier Reef.

In order not to harm the ecosystem Barrier Reef, before heading to any area of the Great Barrier Reef, you should carefully examine the restrictions on visiting this part of the Barrier Reef tourist.

Australia Resort - Great Barrier Reef
Information about the Great Barrier Reef in a readable form, vividly illustrated with photographs.
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Written by: inkas
Date Published: 03/21/2016
My travel story: "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
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