Brazil – the largest country in South America, occupies the 5th place in the world by land area and population. Capital – Brasilia. Other large and visited cities – São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. Official language – Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese. According to recent data, more than 201 million people live in the country.
On the east by the Atlantic Ocean and it has several islands. Most of the country consists of plains and lowlands, and in the north is a vast valley of the Amazon.
Brazil borders with countries such as Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia. It covers six climatic zones. In some southern areas sometimes snow falls.
Before the discovery of Brazil by Europeans, it was inhabited by Native American peoples. In 1500, Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvares sailed to the coast of Brazil, and from 1533 began the colonization. All this land unexplored country passed into the possession of the Portuguese king. In 1763 he was elected the capital city of Rio de Janeiro.
During the second half of the XIX to the early XX century, Brazil has attracted a huge number of immigrants. Most are Roman Catholic. Every year before Easter held Brazilian carnival, which attracts tourists from all over the world.
The national currency – Real.
Statue of Christ
Statue of Christ – a giant statue with outstretched arms, dedicated to Jesus Christ. Located in Rio de Janeiro on Corcovado mountain. This statue has long been a “hallmark” of Brazil and the main attraction. She proudly looks at all from a height of 704 m, and its outstretched arms as if to embrace and protect the whole city.
The total height of the statue is 38 meters, including the 8-meter pedestal. Due to the fact that it is located on a hill and is the highest point in the area, it can be seen from anywhere in Rio. It can serve as an excellent reference. On the other hand, so much to stand out from the surrounding buildings, a year several times the statue becomes a victim of lightning, followed by the Catholic diocese has to repair damaged parts.
Today, at the foot of a giant statue of year-round crowds of tourists. From the observation deck offers spectacular views of the bay and city attractions. To the top of Corcovado is the railroad, built in the second half of the XIX century. As it runs akin to a miniature train funicular. By car, it is also possible to get to the statue of Christ the Redeemer. The road lies through the Tijuca forest reserve.
The idea of creating the statue belongs to the artist Carlos Oswald. This man offered to represent Christ with open arms so that the monument looked like a cross from a distance. Most of the parts were manufactured in France, including the hands and head. The opening took place in October 1931. Over the last decade, it was restored many times.
Brazilian Carnival
Brazilian Carnival – an annual festival, which begins 40 days before Easter in the Brazilian cities. This is one of the brightest and most colorful events in the world. For Brazilians, who are born in the rhythm of samba, it’s a great opportunity to show off their dancing skills. Well, for the tourists a unique opportunity to merge with the furious energy of musical rhythms.
The roots of this incendiary festival goes back to the pagan Saturnalia. It’s kind of an act of farewell to the pleasures of the body. Anyway, with the beginning of Lent all adherents of the Roman Catholic faith should give up the consumption of meat and carnal pleasures. This carnival started as a Portuguese analogue of Carnival with street festivals, singing and all sorts of entertainment.
The Portuguese brought their tradition in the XVII century, however, with time on the holiday tradition and affected other European carnivals, particularly Italian, French. In the XIX century the first masks and costumes. Later joined the march to the front cars. Thus, Brazilian Carnival of the year became more lively and popular a year.
In 1923, in Rio de Janeiro, opened the first school of samba. Since then, this dance is always accompanied by a carnival procession. Today, the tradition of a street carnival and distributed in Sao Paulo, and in El Salvador. As a rule, the fun lasts 4 days and 4 nights. During this period, no one works, as all involved in the marches. By tradition, the mayor of Rio at the time of transfer all powers to the King of Carnival. In fact, all of Brazil for a few days immersed in the atmosphere of merriment.
Copacabana Beach
Copacabana Beach – the most recognizable portion of the coast of Brazil; 4-kilometer-long sandy beach in Rio de Janeiro. Every day, he collects thousands of sunbathers from around the world, including celebrities. It adjoins the famous beach promenade road Avenida Atlantica, which involves major festive processions Brazilians.
The beach was created in the mid-1950s. and immediately became the epicenter of relaxation so-called “higher” society. According to one legend the first bikinis appeared here. The name of the beach was named after the eponymous district in the south of Rio de Janeiro, and the area was named so far in the 1750s. in honor of the Bolivian town of Copacabana. Despite the fact that this area has long been a part of Rio, it has always developed by its own rules.
Since the advent of beautiful beaches, it immediately became the center of bohemian life. In Copacabana lived famous artists, writers, actors. Over time, it became profitable in terms of investment region, but with the increasing popularity of recreational and increased crime rates. Despite this, the Copacabana has been and remains a place of mass festivals, carnivals and concerts.
For example, in 2006, on the beach there was a concert of the famous band The Rolling Stones, which brought together about 2 million. Spectators. However, the most spectacular event was a concert by Rod Stewart in the mid-1990s, when on the beach gathered more than 4 million people. For the convenience of tourists, the beach is just filled with restaurants, cafes and all kinds of entertainment. From the windows of the nearby hotels offer stunning views of Guanabara Bay. The nearest beach to public transport – Avenida Atlantica.
Rock Pedra Pintada
Rock Pedra Pintada – rock formation in Brazil; archaeological site in a conservation area near Boa Vista. The entire territory of the reserve is filled with bizarre rock formations, but it is the central object of Pedra Pintada ( “painted stone”).
In one of the rock caves found fragments of prehistoric cave paintings and a number of ancient artifacts, according to some reports relating to 9200 BC Because of this, Pedra Pintada became one of the most visited attractions in South America. The height of the rock formation is only 35 meters, but the attention it attracts quirky oval shape.
Among the petroglyphs can be seen figures of people, animals, sun, palms, mystic signs. All drawings and inscriptions are white and pink paint. Since the discovery of the cave and so far scientists are working on deciphering obscure patterns. Since the cave is located on the territory of the Indian reservation, you need to visit a special permit from the Fund for protection of heritage and ancient civilization.
On the territory of the reserve there is a market of souvenirs and thumbnails petroglyphs of Pedra Pintada. you can taste the real Indian cuisine in the area. Located “painted stone” in the Brazilian state of Roraima in the 2-hour drive from the International Airport Atlas Brasil Kantanedi.
Cathedral of Sao Paulo
Cathedral of Sao Paulo – one of the largest neo-Gothic churches in the world, located in Brazil. It has the status of the cathedral and in the heart of the city of Sao Paulo. Other common name – Se Cathedral.
Construction of the cathedral began back in the XVI century, but was delayed for many years. It was planned that this will be the main church of the community of Sao Paulo with the chair of the bishop, but soon it was demolished and built in this place a small church stood until the XX century. Construction of this grand cathedral began in 1913. Despite the fact that the construction took almost half a century, it was worth it. The last part was the two towers at the corners, built in 1967.
Today, the height of this Gothic masterpiece is 111 m. The dome is slightly different from the overall ensemble and more like the style of the Florentine Renaissance cathedrals. In the area where the building is located, is always a lot of people with cameras. Any tourist Sao Paulo wants to capture the ornate facade of the Cathedral of Se souvenir.
No less interesting is the interior, which is needed to process 800 tons of marble. In the temple you can see the sculptures with figures of animals, pineapples, coffee fruit, which gives it a special charm. In the underground church under the altar are kept the tomb of religious leaders and the country’s leaders.
Authority established in the Cathedral of Se, is decorated in the Gothic style. The total capacity of the Cathedral – 8000 people. Admission is free, but during religious holidays so crowded that the cathedral will be difficult to enjoy the beauty. The nearest metro station – Se.
Maracana Stadium
Maracana Stadium – the largest football stadium in Brazil; home arena of the Brazilian national team. This stadium has long broken all world records for attendance. During major matches it collects on their stands, hundreds of thousands of fans, because, as you know, the Brazilians – the football nation in the world.
Construction of the stadium in Rio de Janeiro started in the middle of the XX century, and was associated with the conduct of the 1950 World Cup. Its sponsors – the urban public. Stadium name – “Maracana”, in honor of the nearby river, and the second name – “Mario Filho”, in honor of the sports journalist, who played a significant role in the creation of the stadium.
Today at Maracana are not only “home” matches, but also football events of international importance. The capacity of the stadium -. More than 150 thousand people, and in some matches and fits more than 200 thousand fans. For security reasons, in recent years the number of seats was reduced by almost half. In the arena of the stadium at different times were legendary celebrities. Among them were Frank Sinatra, Tina Turner, Madonna.
Externally, the stadium has an oval shape with a cantilevered roof. Football field is separated from the spectator stands trench. Next to the main arena, there is another smaller one, which go tournaments in boxing, various competitions and concerts. In 2000, at the Maracana has appeared “star avenue” where leave their mark great players that have ever played on the stadium arena. For those interested in history and attributes of football, the museum opened on the basis of the stadium.
One of the most beloved by fans of the event – a “Fla-Flu”, the game between the clubs “Flamengo” and “Flumenense”. Football season usually lasts from May to December. To get to the stadium, you can take the metro to the station Maracana. It is a relative distance of all sorts of cafes, restaurants and shops. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of the stadium or in the sales offices.