Travel to Brazil

Travel to Brazil Countries of the world

Travel to Brazil

Travel to Brazil! Brazil — one of the most amazing and beautiful countries of the world. Appointment to her this shock. She stuns with a kaleidoscope of the brightest paints, dements beauty of the women, and forces heart to fight in beat a passionate samba. The capital of the country is the city of Brasilia.

Brazil gives to travelers unique opportunities to visit the surprising natural beauty and to receive extreme adventures, but besides here still it is possible to relax on sandy beaches of the ocean coast, to get acquainted with culture of locals and to admire ancient architectural works.

Brazil – the most ancient country with interesting culture, unique natural landscapes and very rich and various fauna. The largest number of animals, in comparison with other countries lives in this warm country. And it isn’t surprising. Among all countries of South America Brazil is in the lead on the area and on population. A third of all territory of the country is occupied by Amazonia.

50% of all oxygen on our payment are produced in rainy rainforests of Amazonia. And the river Amazon and its inflows contain about 20% of all fresh water on Earth. One it, does the country unique and unique.
One of unique natural shows are the Iguasu falls located on border between Brazil and Argentina. These are the biggest falls in the world. His noise is heard on several kilometers. Beauty of falls indescribable. The sun together with huge whirlwinds of splashes create very beautiful rainbow over falls.

Annually large number of fans of beach rest open for themselves this to a camp. Exactly there is the longest beach strip on which there are over 2000 beaches and many of them are absolutely deserted.

Travel to Brazil! The country to be famous for the festivals and various holidays. Therefore if you like to have fun – welcome to Brazil! In this country the most grandiose show on Earth – the Carnival is carried out to Rio de Janeiro. On the magnificence and beauty this incomparable show.

On various theories the first people in the territory of modern Brazil have appeared between 17 000 and 6 000 years BC. In 1500 AD the Portuguese seafarer is open Brazil and the Portuguese colonization has begun. The great influence on the country, her culture and inhabitants was rendered by the former mother country – Portugal. The main spoken language is Portuguese to this day. The most part of the population of the country – Catholics. It is the biggest country with the Catholic population.

Brazilians in the majority are very sympathetic, emotional and open. There is no hint on racial hostility. Despite modest, it is possible even to tell a poor standard of living of considerable part of the population of the country in Brazil people don’t fall before frank sticking to tourists and begging.

Entertainments which to tourists are offered by Brazil are so various that it is possible even to become puzzled. Bright night life of the country and, of course, improbable Brazilian carnivals which can’t be forgotten or avoided is considered one of the pearls attracting here crowds of tourists. Incendiary rhythms and the bodies of the Brazilian dancers floating in dance, as if by magic, take away in the captivity and carry away in a hot stream of storming passion. All this can be so unforgettable that there is a wish to visit a carnival again and again. Emotions never repeat and don’t bother, they absorb entirely, leaving in memory only delight and incendiary dances.

Because of high temperatures and a rainy season Brazil is considered one of the countries in which malaria and yellow fever therefore it is important to take the appropriate preventive measures prospers before going here. After them you will secure yourself and you will be able to enjoy good rest. With fauna of Brazil it is necessary to be on the alert always. Among him both quite friendly beautiful milyag, and wild, spiteful creations come across.

And of course in Brazil there are a lot of interesting places which can be seen having a rest there. About some most fascinating you will be able to read now. Travel to Brazil now!

Pantanal – the largest seasonal bogs in the world. Actually Pantanal represents a huge bowl-shaped hollow (more than 150 thousand in which the midland delta of two large river systems – the rivers Paraguay and Cuiaba is located. During a rainy season of the river flood banks, water floods 80% of the territory of Pantanal and he turns into the huge lake bog.

Blessed Virgin’s cathedral of Maria – a cathedral Catholic cathedral in the city of Brasilia. The cathedral is a bright masterpiece of modern architectural creativity and construction skill. The cathedral the form isn’t similar to a construction of religious appointment at all. All project of a cathedral is sustained in modernist style. The most part of the building is underground, and on a surface only the dome collected from the 16th colon in the form of the hyperboles symbolizing the hands upraised to the sky is visible.

Bonito – the place, unique on beauty, located in Brazil. Reservoirs of the district are famous for crystal-clear water, bright multi-colored inhabitants, green vegetation. Depth of natural lakes varies therefore Bonito’s area will be ideally suited for diving of the most various level of complexity.
Keymada-Grandi – the island in the Atlantic Ocean, in 35 km from the coast of the Brazilian state of San Paulo. Except the official name him call still Snake. And it is the real truth. On this island, no people, no animals – live there only a snake, be exact one of the most poisonous snakes of the world – the island botrops. Dragons only eat birds. Despite absolutely small size of the island (about 5, snakes there so many that it is the share of each square meter on several copies.

National park Lensoys-Maranyensis represents the flat district which is filled up with huge sandy dunes which total area makes 1000 square kilometers. From outside it seems that it is the usual desert without roads, magnificent vegetation and life, nevertheless not so. Lensoys-Maranyensis – area of seasonal pouring rains. Thanks to plentiful rainfall, fresh clear water collects between dunes, forming a spotty surface from lagoons with a set of a different species of fishes. During dry seasons, water sites almost completely wither, but next year life in a lagoon revives at the expense of the birds transferring berries of fishes from the sea.

Lunar valley. The alien landscape was placed in mountain part of Brazil and is part of national park of “Chapada dos Veadeiros”. You want to be lost for a while in time and space, then to you… here! The ancient plateau on which the valley was located was created more than 1,8 billion years ago and is the oldest natural ensemble from the purest quartz in the world. Rocks speckle numerous craters that adds to this amazing place of even more extraterrestrial perception. And between the highest of craters can discern the fossilized remains of animals and plants.

The Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro is the monument, most known and popular in the world. Travel to Brazil and look at a statue every year there come about 2 million tourists. The statue is considered a symbol of the city and Brazil in general.

Travel to Brazil
Travel to Brazil! Brazil — one of the most amazing and beautiful countries of the world. Appointment to her this shock. She stuns with a kaleidoscope of the brightest paints, dements beauty of the women, and forces heart to fight in beat a passionate samba. The capital of the country is the city of Brasilia.
Countries of the world
Written by: John K
Date Published: 05/19/2016

My travel story: "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
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