Trips abroad on holiday, as a rule, bring joy and give to the quality of life of people. Everybody knows the exciting anticipation of the upcoming trip. However, psychologists believe that a vacation has a downside: stress, health problems and finances.
According to a study published in The Psychologist magazine in August of this year, regular trips on holiday reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and even heart attacks. In addition, tourists feel a surge of energy and life satisfaction.
Unfortunately, according to psychologists, these positive effects often disappear within a few weeks after the resumption of their traditional way of life. Not only does the trip cost a lot of money – from this bad mood, so also the “loss” of the working rhythm sometimes manages employee expensive. Speaking of the highly specialized work, as an example of a short-term loss of skills of scientists lead surgeons: patients on the operating table mortality slightly higher in order surgeon who before surgery had a rest, and a little lower – at the one who operated on the day before. However, representatives of working professions after holiday show improved performance.
In addition, some travelers are beginning to feel themselves worse about a week before the trip. This is especially true of women who bear the additional load of housework, including washing and preparing things family members to travel.
The first few days of holiday is also often accompanied by sleep disorders, high blood pressure, bad mood, headache and indigestion. These phenomena can be explained by a decrease in physiological secretion of stress hormones.
Himself vacation helps blur the boundaries between working hours and rest time, and then some extra effort is required to establish a daily routine. And with the advent of our lives smartphones, tablets, and other Internet-connected gadgets, many tourists continue to work and on vacation. The habit of constantly checking work e-mail and fear delegate responsibility fellow travelers inflicts substantial harm, discounting holidays.
In general, there is good evidence that the trip to the holiday good for your health, improve well-being and a positive effect on productivity. Psychologists advise to organize a smooth “start” release, to dissociate themselves from the everyday worries and focus on pleasurable sensations during rest and then give yourself a few days to return to work gradually.