Sights of Toronto

Sights of Toronto Places to Go

Sights of Toronto

Toronto – not just rich and beautiful city, is the main center of tourism of Canada. The city cannot brag of rich centuries-old history or worldfamous sights. However here it is full of just beautiful places which are worthy your attention. Besides, Toronto is a world-class megalopolis which has huge weight, both in country borders, and at world level.

Kass Lome – unusual sight of Toronto

Kass of Lome Toronto

Kass Lome is one of the most beautiful and popular tourist places of the capital of the Province of Ontario. This unsurpassed lock was constructed all for 3 years (1911-1914) in the heart of the city. The unusual structure in much contrasts against houses, thereby draws to itself a lot of attention of tourists. For centenary history the sight became not only an excellent starting point for studying of Toronto, but also the most visited architectural city monument. Fine appearance of Kass Lome is supplemented by surprising flower compositions, fountains and mysterious sculptures.

New town hall (Toronto) – sight in modernist style

The design of this sight was developed by the Finnish architect Vilyo Revell. He won the international tender for creation of this object. Construction of the New town hall ended in 1965, and since then it is an integral part of any round on Toronto. At present here the city council sits, but it will not prevent to conduct tours and various actions for tourists in any way. The excellent vacation spot is the square in front of buildings of a town hall. By the way, in winter months it is used also as a skating rink. Also here Henry Moore’s statue (the famous English sculptor and the artist), an eternal flame and a beautiful garden of the world is located. The sight is open on weekdays, free entrance. Surely visit the New town hall, otherwise your impressions about the city will be incomplete.

Toronto. Ontario Place – sight for all family

Торонто. Ontario Place

If you arrived to the city a family with children or you just want active recreation, then Ontario Place will suit you as it is impossible by the way. This popular summer center of rest gives more than 10 years good mood to children and adults. It located directly on the bank of Lake Ontario. The sight pleases with a wide choice of attractions, various water entertainments, and also playgrounds. Most of all tourists please cultural actions which borrow not only little travelers of Toronto, but also their parents. Everyone to go to Ontario Place it is necessary to know that the center is open from the middle of May to the twentieth of September.

Sight Xi-En Tauer – the Toronto symbol

Xi-En Tauer. Toronto

If you decided to arrive to the capital of the Province of Ontario, then this historical monument has to be in the first places of your round. Xi-En Tauer – a television tower which height makes improbable 553 meters. Nearly 30 years (1976-2007) it was the highest construction in the world. In this rank it was replaced by a skyscraper of Burj Khalifa to Dubai (United Arab Emirates) which height makes the 828th meter. It is interesting to know that this sight is annually visited by more than 2 million people. If you rise on completely glass elevator by top Xi-En Tauer, then receive not only a beautiful panoramic view of Toronto, but also an adrenaline dose. Also I advise you to visit rotating restaurant at the height of 350 meters. Whether you know that on a construction of this sight slightly more than 2 years were required. It is sure, you will be delighted with the endured impressions.

Zoo. Toronto

The zoo Toronto – popular sight

One of the world’s largest zoos is located in the suburb of Toronto. It occupies the territory in more than 287 hectares. There are more than 5000 animals, 460 types from around the world! Here also endangered species are presented. There is a beautiful pool with slopes and sharks. The sight can brag of ideal conditions for animals and fine landscapes. Surely glance here when you are tired to study city beauty.

Sights of Toronto
This article contains very interesting and informative information on the best sights and popular tourist places of Toronto.
Places to Go
Written by: inkas
Date Published: 04/01/2016
My travel story: "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
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