Denmark – the rich European country with beautiful architecture and unusual culture.
The interesting facts about Denmark
- 1. National flag of Denmark is considered the oldest operating flag in the world. Its approval was in 1219.
- 2. According to annual researches of the Cambridge university, the population of Denmark is the happiest in Europe.
- 3. Danes often admitted the most slender women Europe.
- 4. In 1989 Denmark first-ever legalized same-sex marriages (though any same-sex marriage was not officially concluded till 2012).
- 5. Denmark enters in the countries TOP-5 of Europe with the highest employment rate (75%).
- 6. The average Dane marries in 32 years, the average Dane – in 31.
- 7. Denmark can brag of free medicine: each person has the health insurance which is paid with the state; everyone can use services of “the house doctor”.
- 8. Designers for children of LEGO were thought up in Denmark in 1949. In several years they began to be on sale with success worldwide. For a bigger promoting of this designer the management of the company made the decision to construct the real amusement park of elements of the designer of Lego! At the moment in the world there are 6 “Legolendov”, the largest of which is in Denmark on the peninsula Jutland.
- 9. Very few people know that the word of “LEGO” is an abbreviation of the words “leg godt” which mean “play well”.
- 10. Interesting fact: the territory of Denmark contains 443 islands, however only 76 islands are suitable for life.
- 11. It is counted that every day residents of Copenhagen pass 660 thousand km by the subway and is almost twice more by bicycle.
- 12. In 2012 Denmark took the 2nd place according to nominal GDP per capita in Europe. First place was won by Luxembourg. At par purchasing power (PPS) Denmark took the 8th place in the EU.
- 13. Denmark – the homeland of the German culture. Francs, burgunda, Utah and Vikings originate in Denmark, and also in some territories of Norway and Sweden.
- 14. Hans Christiaan Andersen’s fairy tales are well-known around the world. Especially such fairy tales as “A new dress of the king”, “Little Mermaid” and “Ugly duckling” enjoy popularity.
- 15. The Dane Yorn Utzon (1918-2008) is an architect of the well-known Sydney opera. In 2007 he became the person second in the history whose work was entered in the list of the world heritage still during lifetime.
- 16. Denmark takes the second place in the world in VAT rate size. The rate is in limits of 25%. First place on this indicator is won by Hungary.
- 17. In the 9-10th centuries the Danish Vikings intruded and lodged in some parts of Western Europe and North Africa. They settled down on the earth Danelag in Northern England.
- 18. Denmark became the member of the EU since 1973 and NATO since 1949.
- 19. Hygge – the Danish word meaning “cosiness”. Presently it enjoys wide popularity as is associated with winter. The younger generation often tells hyggeligt.
- 20. Denmark can brag of 14 Nobel laureates.
- 21. During the period from 1397 to 1524 all Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland), and also the southern part of Finland was combined under the Danish banners with the capital in Copenhagen.
- 22. Denmark serves 12% of world volume of a sea cargo transportation. The country is an undisputed leader in the European region.
- 23. Most of Danes know one or two foreign languages. The most popular is English.
- 24. More than 80% of the population of Denmark are included into the Danish national Evangelic and Lutheran Church. The majority considers itself as Protestants, but the church is not visited.
- 25. It is interesting to know that Christmas is not a national holiday. Nevertheless, most of Danes celebrate Christmas on December 24.
- 26. Education in Denmark is provided free of charge at all stages. The first stage – 9 years of secondary education. The public expenditures on education and vocational training there correspond 7% of GDP of the country and about 13% of the total amount of the public expenditures.
- 27. Residents of Denmark eat more pasta, than in any other country of the world.
The interesting facts about Denmark
In one article we collected the most interesting information on Denmark, including a set of the interesting facts and photos.
Interesting facts
Written by: inkas
Date Published: 04/14/2016