Travel to Eritrea! Eritrea – a mountainous country. Its territory is part of the Ethiopian highlands. In the West Highlands gradually loses its height to the Sudanese plains, and in the east ends abruptly to the coastal sandy plain.
The climate is hot and dry (average annual temperature of about 25 ° C). For Eritrea is characterized by poor desert vegetation. The Danakil desert in just a few weeks of green tamarisks and other plants. In the desert you can meet ostriches and crocodiles are found in rivers. Suffice rich world of birds. Vultures, eagles, marabou, etc. In the area of coastal coral reefs live various representatives of the fauna of the tropical seas.
Asmara, as one of the safest capitals in Africa, situated on the eastern edge of the elevated plateau. The main street – Liberacion Ave, crosses the capital from east to west, and all walks in Asmara usually start here – past the Corinthian columns of the neoclassical Palace of the Governor, Romance porticoes of the Opera House (1920), the Catholic cathedral, the city mosque and the imposing facade of the Cinema Impero.
Port of Massawa, which is 100 km north-east of Asmara, has long been a cultural center of the country’s coastal region. This deep harbor of the Red Sea has been used for centuries by foreign traders and invaders, including the Turks, who held out here for over 300 years, the Egyptians and the Italians. All of them left here own imprint individual architectural influence. For this, as well as beautiful beaches in the area, it is often called the “Pearl of the Red Sea.” The city lies between two islands – Massawa and Taulud (administrative center), plus a small part of it (to a large extent – residential areas) is located on the mainland.
Travel to Eritrea. Massawa Island, with its labyrinthine streets and jumble of interesting buildings, hotels, squares and religious buildings – a great place that deserves to be explored on foot. On a side street opposite the harbor you’ll find the home of coral blocks (mostly – XVII-th century). Coral once served as a traditional building material for houses Massawa, as well as for the ancient buildings in the Ottoman style MammubaNahari Mohammed and Abu Hamduma. Hidden in a residential area of the city and a few old closed markets, 500-year-old Sheikh Hanafi Mosque, with its stunning chandelier of Murano and luxury Campo – a large area, surrounded by buildings that are decorated with luxurious Turkish and Egyptian carved facades.
Far away in the northern part of the inhospitable volcanic desert, known as Dankaliya, nearly 60 km south of Massawa, lie the ruins of the ancient city of Aksum Adulis. Founded in the sixth century BC, and thus – the oldest monument of ancient civilizations in Eritrea, Adulis was the largest port of the Axumite kingdom and already traded with the Mediterranean, Africa and India. Almost all of his buildings (98%) are still hiding the bowels of the earth, but archaeological evidence suggests that it was one of the greatest cities of antiquity, the rival of Giza and Phoenicia, whose greatness has yet to reveal the future scientists.