Long time Turin was considered as the industrial center, than the tourist city more. In due time he even received the name “Detroit Italy” because of a large number of automobile producers. But tourism became quickly growing industry, especially after carrying out in Turin in 2006 of the Olympic Games.
Turin. National museum of cinema
This sight will tell you about history of world cinema. Opened only in 2000, the museum at once won love and admiration of tourists. At the entrance you are expected by the taking travel on all stages of development of cinema. You are expected by the first models of projectors, unique developments of experts from Turin, the first posters, signs and a set of other unique materials. All this will be at your disposal for only several euro.
Madam’s palace – historical sight of Turin
Madam’s palace – the known residence of the duchess Maria Cristina of Bourbon who ruled the country in the middle of the XVII century. The magnificent and rich facade of the palace is evident at once to tourists who only entered on Kastello Square.
At the moment the palace was turned into the museum of ancient art of Turin. The rich heritage of works of the fine arts is located on 4 floors of sight! The special attention should be paid to unique ceramic exhibits, and also products from jewelry and an ivory.
Main sight of Turin. Kastello Square
Already hundreds of years this big area are the main place of a congestion of tourists. It is a starting point to all popular tourist places of Turin. Here the Royal theater, the palace, library, and also the Palace of Madam is located. At Kastello Square the sight “Palace library” which has a world famous self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci uses special attention. Also it should be noted Palace Armory where the weapon collection, largest in Europe, is stored!
Basilica of Superga – an architectural masterpiece of Turin
The brightest representative of architecture of baroque is Bazilika Superga. It was erected to Virgin Mary for her blessing in fight against the French troops which attacked Turin in 1706. The sight has a tremendous magnificent appearance and a rich interior. The basilica of Superga is very popular among tourists also because from here very beautiful and unusual view of the Alps and Turin opens.
Valentino’s lock. Luxury Turina
On river banks On, in the heart of the city the magnificent lock of Valentino is located. Constructed in the XIII century, it was many times reconstructed and found the modern look in the 17th century when the duchess Maria Cristina of Bourbon became its owner. This unique sight is thought over to the smallest details and admires with the look any visitor! In Turin legends still go that the duchess used the lock as the meeting place with the lovers who were thrown off then in a local well. So it or not, but this history is very interesting to tourists.
Turin. Saint John the Baptist’s cathedral
History of this cathedral contains more than 500 years! It is constructed in honor of Saint Ioann – the patron of Turin. This sight gained the world fame thanks to one of the main religious relics of the Christian world – the Sacred Shroud on which there was a print of the image of Jesus Christ. Annually here hundreds of thousands of believers from around the world that will bow to a sacred cloth go on pilgrimage.
Turin. Antonellian’s pier
This Sight was constructed in 1889 by the city authorities of Turin. Locals call her the main symbol and pride of the city, and tourists admire a surprising panoramic view that opens them from tower spike top. They say that only from the top Antonellian’s Pier it is possible to appreciate all beauty of Turin.
Other sights of Turin
San Carlo Square – the excellent place to have a rest and relax. Here several ancient cafes, and also two absolutely identical churches are located.
Palatinsky Gate – ancient Roman walls, more precisely what from them remained. In due time were part of the settlement living here even before creation of Turin.
The museum of Egypt – the huge museum devoted to culture of Ancient Egypt. About 30 thousand exhibits, including the papyrus, sculptures and mummies have. Sight unusual and mysterious, about it terrible legends go.