Oslo – small, but very beautiful and the city. Though the capital of Norway also does not indulge the tourists ancient and magnificent sights, however abundance of cultural and historical monuments and the museums will not allow the tourist to miss. Excellent addition to round on Oslo are several architectural sights about which in our article the speech will go.
Kohn Territorial election commissions the museum – the known sight of Oslo
Among the numerous museums there is Oslo, sight Kohn Territorial election commissions is famous for a raft known for the whole world from a pith tree. On it the famous Norwegian traveler Tur Heyerdal made the trip through the Pacific Ocean in 1947. This world famous travel was carried out to prove the theory that the first Polynesian settlers could float 4300 miles from Peru to Polynesia. This sight of Oslo also contains an original reed raft on which Heyerdal floated through Atlantic in 1970. In addition, there is a huge effigy of a shark, artifacts from the last expeditions and the exhibits brought by Heyerdal from the visits to Easter Island. Kohn Territorial election commissions is the true pride of sight magnificent collections of the archeological finds brought from Easter Island, Galapagos Islands, East Polynesia and Peru. From year to year this most interesting place of Oslo visits more than 200 thousand tourists from around the world, so why don’t you go to travel on the capital of Norway, having visited this unique sight.
Vigeland’s park – sight of Oslo
Vigelanda Park is the most visited sight of the city. Besides various green plantings, the monument to the famous Norwegian sculptor Gustav Wigeland (in honor of which called this sight) is located here. He spent 40 years to Oslo, creating statues full-scale. The majority of its works decorate sidewalks and squares of Oslo. Also in park the known sculpture – a granite Monolith which is the highest sculpture in the world from granite is located. Its height makes 14 meters. The most known and the most photographed sight in the territory of park Vigelanda is a sculpture “The angry boy”. It represents the fat boy who in rage stamped a leg. Among tourists of Oslo the museum Vigelanda in whom development of works of the artist, his sketches and preparations is displayed enjoys also special popularity. Any round on sights of Oslo there does not pass without visit of park Vigelanda – the ingenious sculptor and the patriot of Norway.
The museum of vessels of Vikings – historical sight of Norway
This museum is located by the ship of Vikings which was taken from ritual barrows in the south of Norway. Balzamation kept the ship almost in original state. Initially the museum served as a tomb for royal family, however it does not frighten guests of Oslo: statistically, most of tourists visit the Museum of vessels of Vikings. Such rich historical past served that now the ship of Vikings has the huge historical importance, and is the best sight of Oslo. The museum is decorated with magnificent woodcarving and drawings of various animals which protect an eternal rest of royal family. To visit this sight of Oslo will be the excellent decision.
Sight Akerskhus – the ancient fortress of Oslo
If you wish to learn more about the history Oslo or just to enjoy rest, then the best choice Akerskhus will be to visit ancient sight. Fortress was constructed in the Oslo center in 1299 and had a strategic importance. When Christian IV (1588-1648) became the king, fortress was modernized significantly and made it the royal residence. In the 17-18th centuries nobody looked after fortress and only in 1899 restoration works which returned to sight former glory and popularity began. Presently fortress is used for large actions, including various concerts, holidays and ceremonies. Besides the magnificent ceremony of change of royal guards became traditional. If it is interesting to you to learn the rich and saturated history Oslo, then enter this sight in the Oslo tour.
Sight National gallery Oslo
In National gallery Oslo the greatest collection of pictures, sculptures and other works of the Norwegian masters is collected. Edward Munch’s works “Shout” and “Madonna”, and also Cezanne and Manet’s pictures which enjoy the greatest popularity among guests and residents of Oslo are of special value. The basis of any exhibition of National gallery is made by the Norwegian art. Also at an exhibition works of the international artists and sculptors, including French impressionists are presented. Various expositions so you can visit this sight of Oslo in any time, convenient for you, are constantly carried out.